Laps 1
Distance None km
Elevation Gain: 0 m
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The Sprinter Holden Comeau 1523w 15sec
The Climber Andrew Williams 4.9 wkg 20min
The Break Away Andrew Emmerich 381w FTP
Pos Rank Rider Team Age FTP/wkg FTP Weight 20min wkg 20min w 15sec wkg 15sec w
1 77.05 Andrew Williams SLOBROS Mas 4.9 315 64.0 5.1 331 11.9 760
2 71.96 Andrew Emmerich Team AHDR Vet 4.6 381 83.0 4.8 396 11.3 946
3 43.78 Holden Comeau SARIS Vet 4.1 357 87.3 4.4 377 18.0 1523
4 176.87 Steven Garré Sportsolid Mas 4.2 323 76.0 4.5 343 10.4 793
5 135.79 Barnaby Alderson Vet 4.4 364 82.0 4.6 378 10.4 854
6 247.21 Dicky Hibbert Army Cycling Mas 4.4 328 75.0 4.6 342 10.5 785
7 159.19 Abel Rincón HISP Vet 4.3 272 63.5 4.3 267 10.4 660
8 147.20 # RIDEFINDS - 0 322 0.0 4.2 347 9.5 790
9 97.21 Adam Boyko [DRAFT] Vet 4.0 257 65.0 4.2 276 12.1 784
10 195.33 Mike Monterusso 50+ 4.3 299 68.9 4.5 313 9.0 621
11 133.29 Stefan Vibæk #EDDK Mas 3.9 274 71.0 4.2 298 14.0 991
12 238.70 CarlosMunozH HISP Vet 3.4 235 70.0 3.7 256 9.0 630