- Crit City Race with Category Enforcement

Route Downtown Dolphin
Laps 1
Distance 1.9 km
Elevation Gain: 8 m
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Pos Rank Rider Team Age FTP/wkg FTP Weight 20min wkg 20min w 15sec wkg 15sec w
1 219.06 christopher anderson Old dogs 🐶 60+ 4.3 270 63.0 6.0 346 10.5 607
2 177.25 Cedric Jarion [FDJ] Mas 4.4 355 80.0 4.6 364 11.0 876
3 120.54 Paulo Campos Vet 5.0 461 92.0 5.3 496 12.7 1165
4 84.35 SATO NAKA [TMR] TMR Vet 4.1 296 72.1 4.2 309 16.0 1156
5 199.63 Michael Werin Larsen [DZR] DZR Vet 4.7 293 62.0 5.0 310 11.5 715
6 245.74 Andreas Gomez [Wahoo Le Col] Wahoo Le Col Mas 4.4 315 71.0 4.3 307 12.1 862
7 128.01 Brian Runoberg [EVO] EVOLUTION 50+ 4.8 373 78.0 4.3 332 11.3 880
8 99.59 Kevin Cadman 50+ 4.5 286 63.5 4.9 310 12.3 779
9 236.95 Mark Goveia (ZSUNR) ZSUNR 50+ 3.7 288 78.5 3.9 308 10.0 787
10 212.77 Keifer Stevenson [SPBR] Snr 4.0 277 70.0 4.2 291 10.7 752
11 318.87 Yuusou Fuzisawa(TMR) TMR Jnr 4.3 228 53.0 4.5 240 11.0 585
12 600.00 Jonathan Makinson Mas 4.0 266 67.0 3.7 251 5.7 384